Ethical consumerism is on the rise and those investing in their wellness are some of the most conscious consumers out there.
They're investing in feeling good. Vague claims and FOMO aren’t going to cut it.
It's time to steer wellness away from gimmicks and fads.

You're fluent in your business.
I’m fluent in copywriting strategy, creativity, and tailoring a tone of voice.
I’ll work with you to establish mindful messaging that leaves your customers feeling confident and cared for.

For wellness brands
Like a healthy diet, my interpretation of wellness is wide and varied.
It can be defined as ‘the state of being in good health’. I take that to mean pursuing a healthy head, heart, body, soul, and planet.
I work with businesses that encourage holistic health and/or slow mindful living.
My Story
I’m a lifelong word nerd
Since I could hold a pen, I've had a journal in my bag. I reached peak ‘wordiness’ at the University of Leeds, where I received a Distinction in MA English Literature, a 1st Class in BA English Language and Literature, and 3 awards for the best grades in my year. I love a good story to say the least.
On a wellness journey
Like many people, my path to wellness has been a wobbly one.​ I’ve gone to extremes, gotten lost, and I’ve struggled to find the ‘balance’ everyone brags about. But amid the zigs and zags, I’ve found daily rituals, products, and practices that work for me.​ Now, I’m lucky to work nomadically from some of the wellness capitals in the world and trained in yoga and meditation too.
With a dream to rewrite the industry.
My passions for writing and wellness collided when I came to the following realisation: We can’t survive on messaging the wellness industry traditionally feeds us. Diet culture, anti-aging narratives, excess consumerism, fast fads, the pressure to be perfect... That’s not healthy. That’s not wellness. And it doesn't align with today's consumer.
Together, we can do better. We can use our words mindfully, to nourish and nurture, and rebuild trust in the industry.